Green Career Possibilities
New Mexico’s green economy is growing quickly and has created jobs in both rural and urban areas. Over the past ten years, New Mexico’s clean energy sector grew by 118%, energy efficiency by 184%, environmentally friendly production by 99%, and conservation and pollution mitigation by 35%. Conservation and pollution mitigation job currently represent the largest segment of New Mexico’s green economy. There are currently 98 solar energy companies in New Mexico.
So What Do People Do in this Industry?
Careers in Water Conservation -Fresh water is one of Earth's most important resources. Without it, life would be impossible. Because our available fresh water sources are limited, water conservation is an important aspect of our green economy. Water conservation workers ensure that our fresh water supplies remain adequate for human consumption and wildlife use.
Careers in Sustainable Forestry - Sustainable forestry workers strive to ensure that our nation's forests will continue to be used in an environmentally responsible way, while at the same time supplying numerous commercial and industrial products.
Careers in Biofuels - Alternative fuels, such as biofuels, can reduce the use of oil-based fuels and can be more environmentally friendly. Biofuels are defined as fuels composed of or produced from biological raw materials.
Careers in Geothermal Energy - In the search for new energy resources, scientists have discovered ways to use the Earth itself as a valuable source of power. Geothermal power plants use the Earth's natural underground heat to provide clean, renewable energy. Geothermal power plants can provide baseload power, which means that the power they generate does not vary.
Careers in Environmental Remediation - Cleaning up the environment is an important focus of the green economy. Sites that are polluted because of industrial activity, the use of pesticides and fertilizer, or the release of other pollutants must be cleaned up in order to redevelop them or return them to their natural state.
Careers in Sustainability - In addition to being vital to many people, protecting the environment has become an important goal for many organizations. A way to achieve this goal is to pursue sustainability, which is using resources to meet present needs without compromising future resources.
Energy Auditors - Many buildings leak air to the outside environment, causing buildings to lose energy. Energy auditors help prevent this waste by inspecting buildings to find areas of air leakage and advising customers on how to fix and prevent leaks.
Careers in Recycling - Recycling has become an increasingly important issue in the United States as both the population and the amount of waste each person generates continue to increase. This report provides information on how recycling works and various career opportunities in the industry.
Careers in Electric Vehicles - Electric cars are considered to be an important step towards reducing petroleum dependence, protecting the environment, and improving transportation sustainability. The production of these vehicles will provide employment opportunities for many workers.
Careers in Green Construction - Buildings constructed today are very different from those built 100 years ago. As interest in protecting the environment grows, "green," or sustainable, buildings have become more commonplace. At first glance, these buildings might not appear very different from their predecessors, but they feature specialized designs and materials to limit their environmental impact.
Careers in Solar Power - Sunlight is the most abundant source of potential energy on the planet. If harnessed properly, sunlight could easily exceed current and future electricity demand. As solar power becomes more cost-effective, it has the potential to make up a larger share of growing U.S. energy needs.
Careers in Wind Energy - Wind power has been used for centuries, but is a relatively new source of electricity generation. As the wind energy industry continues to grow, it will provide many opportunities for workers in search of new careers. These careers extend beyond the wind farm: it also takes the efforts of workers in factories and offices to build and operate a turbine.
Green Career Central founder and executive director Carol McClelland began researching green job boards in 2007 and found there was no standard way green jobs were categorized. Currently, in the rapidly evolving field, she sorts careers into the following categories:
Green Career Central founder and executive director Carol McClelland began researching green job boards in 2007 and found there was no standard way green jobs were categorized. Currently, in the rapidly evolving field, she sorts careers into the following categories:
- Environmental Science
- Natural Resource Management and Services
- Renewable Energy
- Policy and Direction
- Funding and Finance
- Green Systems/Infrastructure/IT
- Marketing and Sales
- Green Building
- Green Products
- Green Services
- Inspiring and Educating
She also suggests you consider
- Greening Your Own Business
- Working for a Sustainable Business
- Greening Your Personal Work Habits